Importance of an Active Lifestyle

Depending on who you talk to, they say it can take anywhere from two-weeks to sixty-days to form a habit. Either way, going from a sedentary lifestyle to one of activity takes time, but the benefit could be a longer, happier life. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), about 1 in 5 adults meet the physical activity guidelines for Americans. The guidelines vary by age but adults aged 18-64 should get 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity every week along with muscle-strengthening activities 2 or more days per week. A moderate-intensity aerobic activity could be considered a brisk walk but depends on the activity level of the person. 

You may be aware of the external benefits of living an active lifestyle but what about the internal benefits? Physically active people tend to live longer and are at a lower risk for developing:

Living a more active lifestyle can even help you sleep better and slows down the loss of bone density that typically comes with aging. Doing activities that require moderate effort is safe for most people. However, if you have a chronic health condition such as heart disease, arthritis, diabetes, or other symptoms, be sure to talk with your healthcare provider about the types and amounts of physical activity that are right for you. 

You may already know the health benefits of being active but haven’t been able to overcome some of the obstacles keeping you from getting started. Here are some tips that could help. If it seems you can’t find the time to be active try breaking up your activity into smaller increments or start by making small lifestyle changes like parking farther away or taking the stairs instead of an elevator. If you are having a hard time finding the motivation, start scheduling time on your calendar to exercise and make it part of your daily routine. Working out with a partner can also help motivate you because there is someone there to hold you accountable. Inviting friends or family to exercise with you can be the influence you need. Often gyms can provide that social influence to keep you motivated as you get to know the staff and other members. 

The Helen Newberry Joy Hospital Total Health and Wellness Center offers a vast array of membership options, exercise equipment, personal training, fitness appraisals, and body composition testing (BMI). There are a variety of membership options from family to single visit cards and monthly options. With locations in Newberry inside HNJH and Curtis at N9246 Saw-Wa-Quato Street behind the Erickson Center, no matter where you live, the opportunity to be active is nearby. For hours and pricing information please contact the HNJH Wellness Center in Newberry at 293.9182 or Curtis at 586.9840.