HNJH and LMAS Ensure Testing Access for Residents

Helen Newberry Joy Hospital and the LMAS District Health Department are working to ensure that anyone who needs a COVID-19 test can get one. This includes anyone with symptoms and people who are headed back to work who may not have symptoms. 

You do not have to be sick to be tested for COVID-19 at HNJH. If you are experiencing symptoms or would like to be tested, call the HNJH Coronavirus Hotline at 293-9288 Monday-Friday from 9AM-3PM to set up a testing appointment. Individuals with a positive test result will be contacted by the LMAS District Health Department. All other results are followed up by the healthcare provider who ordered the tests. This is not an antibody test but is a nasopharyngeal swab which will determine if you are currently positive for COVID-19. 

If you are a business owner and would like your employees tested prior to returning to work, contact HNJH Infection Prevention and Employee Health Nurse, Lori Gelinas, at 293-9200 x395 to set up testing. The LMAS District Health Department in partnership with the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, other Michigan Health Departments, and UP Michigan Works, has created public health guidance for area businesses to reopen or expand current services. This guidance is to assist businesses in protecting the health and safety of employees, customers, and visitors. To view the guidance, visit

It is important to remember that as we begin re-engaging Michigan’s economy, community members and businesses must continue to do their part to protect those around them. Practicing proper hand-washing etiquette, wearing a mask in public, and continuing to maintain social distancing are essential to preventing a second COVID-19 surge.