Heart Disease and Women

Heart disease is the number one killer of women, causing one in three deaths each year, killing more women than all forms of cancer combined. Heart disease affects the blood vessels and cardiovascular system. Numerous problems may result from this, many of those are related to a process called atherosclerosis, a condition that develops when plaque builds up in the wall of the arteries. The buildup then narrows the arteries making it harder for blood to flow through. If a blood clot forms, it can stop blood flow. This can then cause a heart attack or stroke.

Heart disease can take many other forms as well:

Heart disease doesn’t affect all women the same, and the warning signs for women are very different than men. While most people are under the misconception that heart attacks and stroke are mostly a man’s disease, women must become more educated about the warning signs. Even if you’re not sure, have it checked out. Fast action can save lives - maybe even your own.

Heart attack warning signs for women may include:

Stroke warning signs include:

Sometimes other symptoms appear, separately, in combination or with F.A.S.T signs. Those may include:

If you are exhibiting any of these symptoms and believe you are having a heart attack or stroke, it’s critical that you get medical attention right away. Immediate treatment may minimize the long-term effects and even prevent death.